The paleo diet: info or poison?


What is the paleo diet? Well, it’s quite simple, this is a new type of fad diet. Its effectiveness is sometimes questioned by Internet users and followers of all kinds of diets. Is this a truly effective diet? Here is what you need to know about the paleo diet to adopt it or to avoid it!

How does it work?

The paleo diet helps to lose weight by consuming only unprocessed foods such as meat, fish, fruits, or even dried fruits. Therefore, when following this diet, it is important to eliminate all processed foods from your diets, such as sugar, cream, or even seeds such as rice. Unlike most diets, the paleo diet does not encourage you to count calories.

The paleo diet is based on the idea that our modern diet consists of too many processed foods and grains, which are not good for us. Instead, it recommends eating more fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts and seeds.


Instead, it’s just a matter of controlling your food intake. By eliminating the most calorie-dense foods (processed foods), you get a more balanced diet with fewer calories. Favoring unprocessed foods is indeed beneficial to health. Whole foods make it easier to achieve a state of fullness.

In addition, they contain fewer chemicals, fat and sugar. The paleo diet can be a great dietary choice for people who are looking to live more healthily. The diet has been proven to help people lose weight, boost their energy levels and lower their cholesterol.

The health effects

Adopting the paleo diet has beneficial effects on health. Indeed, studies show that adopting this diet can help reduce belly fat. Indeed, the fat present in the belly is very often due to the consumption of trans fats. The paleo diet might also help by reducing your insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels.

Another of the positive health effects of adopting the paleo diet? This diet may reduce the risk of contracting cardiovascular disease. This is because the paleo diet can help lower blood pressure.

A study of people who adopted this diet had fewer problems with high blood pressure. Likewise, this diet helps reduce bad cholesterol levels. The paleo diet could also help reduce inflammation. By promoting a natural diet, the paleo diet helps reduce the intake of foods that contribute to inflammation.

It is also a diet that recommends consuming fish as a source of protein. However, fish is a food extremely rich in omega-3 fatty acids—omega-3s help reduce inflammation naturally and effectively.

Why this diet and not another?

If you don’t fancy the idea of calorie counting, the Paleo Diet is for you. Indeed, it makes your diet more balanced. However, it can quickly become difficult to deprive yourself of processed foods completely. Weigh the pros and cons. As with any decision, it’s about choosing what works for you.

We are all different, have different metabolisms and different eating habits. So every diet will not have the same effect on everyone. It is therefore important to be aware of this before adopting this diet. Set yourself an achievable goal and wait to see if the diet really works for you.

We recommend that you adopt the paleo diet if the quality of your food is very important to you. In addition, this diet is suitable for fairly determined people who know how to exercise discipline.

So info or intox? Well, as with any diet, it all depends on the discipline and metabolism of the person who decides to try it. This diet, when combined with a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity, has the potential to be extremely effective. On the contrary, it will have no effect if you apply it without effort at other levels. Also, if this one is not for you, you should think about looking for other ways to lose weight effectively.