Top 3 foods to eat during pregnancy


Foods to eat when you’re expecting

When you are pregnant, you have to be doubly careful about what you eat. Indeed, as the food consumed by the mother passes directly to the baby via the umbilical cord, this can have an impact (positive or negative) on our baby. In this sense, there are foods that we must eat when we are pregnant to ensure the well-being of the baby, but also of the mother. But what are they?


Fruits and vegetables

As we all know, fruits and vegetables are the ultimate health food. Whether you are pregnant or not, consuming it will always contribute to your well-being. So, while you are pregnant, eating fruits and vegetables can provide your baby with all the nutritional support she needs to grow up and be healthy.

Fruits and vegetables are, in particular, rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This will then allow you to refuel, both for you and for the baby. These components are all the more impactful when fruits and vegetables are consumed fresh. For this you can, for example, make a vegetable starter, small fruit snacks and vegetable soup for dinner.

Milk and dairy products

This category of food is also important because it ensures the growth of the fetus. In fact, milk and dairy products are rich in calcium – a nutrient that a baby’s skeleton needs to develop properly. Moreover, according to studies, the fact of drinking 150 ml of milk per day could increase the size of the baby in adulthood.

To follow this advice to the letter, the mother-to-be should consume between three to four dairy products per day and a glass of milk daily. However, you must be careful not to consume cheeses with a flowery or soft rind. These can be harmful to the health of the baby if they are not properly cooked.

Cocoa and nuts

Nuts and cocoa are foods rich in magnesium. However, the latter is known to be essential for the multiplication of baby cells. Indeed, magnesium will directly act on the nerve cells, heart and muscle cells of the baby. Therefore, when a woman is pregnant, she will need more magnesium intake.

While pregnant, a woman should therefore consume around 400 mg of magnesium per day. It will then be necessary to favor all foods rich in magnesium including cocoa, nuts, dark chocolate, green vegetables, almonds, lentils, etc. Additionally, whole grains are also known to be high in magnesium. Pregnant women can therefore consume it freely.