What will happen if you drink a glass of red wine every day


Drinking alcohol with abuse is dangerous for your health . Yet more and more studies are now saying that drinking wine every day could have positive effects on our bodies. Moreover, some would even recommend drinking a glass of red wine every evening. But what exactly would happen if we were to drink a glass of red wine every day?

Better heart health

Studies have shown that wine is composed of ethanol and polyphenol which help fight and protect against cardiovascular disease. Along with this, wine also contains an antioxidant that is said to be beneficial for the heart.

Moreover, this antioxidant brings the good cholesterol to our body and would therefore protect against diabetes and heart disease. However, to be able to benefit from all these benefits, it is strongly recommended to drink in moderation . Indeed, excessive and chronic consumption of wine could also weaken the heart.

Large brain volume and stronger bones

Drinking a glass of red wine a day could also have positive impacts on our brain. We know that our brain function declines as we get older. Yet this regression could be slowed down by drinking a glass of red wine every night. In short, people who drink wine in moderation have a greater brain volume.

In addition, drinking wine regularly and in moderation could also contribute to bone health. Although alcohol is linked to weakened bones, this is not the case for women going through menopause. Indeed, this leads to a renewal of bone mass. This helps prevent losses.

Better gut health

Finally, red wine is also known to bring good bacteria to our gut. In fact, moderate and regular consumption of red wine could help the growth of good gut bacteria to ensure the balance of the gut microbiota.

However, the diversification of intestinal bacteria improves digestion. In short, the balance of intestinal bacteria contributes to the improvement of the immune system and to better weight management. This is all due to the polyphenols in red wine which have a prebiotic effect.

To sum up, therefore, red wine is a great drink if you consume it regularly. Anyway, it should be noted that alcohols should be consumed in moderation. This is because when consumed in excess, they can have harmful effects on our mental and physical health . A glass of red wine every day is enough.