Everything you need to know about whole grains


The majority of athletes or people who follow a well-defined diet prefer whole grains when eating. In fact, whole grains are very easy to cook and are ideal if you want to balance your diet. But what is a whole grain and what are its benefits? Here is everything you need to know about it.


What is a whole grain?

Unlike refined grains, such as white rice or white wheat, whole grains keep their outer shell as well as their germ. However, the outer shell of a cereal is rich in fiber, while the germ contains important nutrients such as antioxidants and minerals.

These whole seeds can be consumed in several ways: as flakes, crushed, burst, ground or in the form of flour. Since whole grains retain all the nutrients and fiber our bodies need, they have tremendous health benefits.

Why choose whole grains?

First, since whole grains are high in fiber, they greatly aid digestion. Indeed, fibers improve intestinal transit and at the same time help to fight against constipation. In addition, consuming whole grains also helps prevent cancers in the digestive sphere.

At the same time, whole grains are very high in nutrients. In this sense, they are excellent for the health of the skin and the brain. Also, they ensure good muscle development. But still, the nutrients present in whole grains boost the immune defense, fight fatigue as well as stress.

What are the best whole grains for health?

Among the best whole grains, we can talk about oatmeal. The latter are rich in insoluble fibers which promote intestinal transit. At the same time, oatmeal has a direct effect on cholesterol levels. Other than that, whole wheat is also great for your health, as it is low in fat and low in sugar.

Finally, quinoa, although it is a seed and not a cereal, is a low-calorie food and has still been included in the category of whole grains. It can perfectly replace rice or semolina and can be eaten in the form of risottos, stuffing, couscous and even salad. Quinoa contains a high content of amino acids. This allows him to ensure the proper functioning of the body.