10 Stunningly Raw Photos Of Mums Holding Their Babies For The First Time


Mothers, you most likely have a vivid recall of the first, amazing moment you held your newborn. One of the most intense moments for each mother is holding her child in her arms. These images were gathered by birth becomes her, a community of birth photographers that appreciate the wonder of life. These amazing raw photos, which were taken immediately after birth, portray the joy of mothers receiving their kids for the first time.

Clutching her miraculous bundle of joy to her chest, this is swept with staggering emotion.

All the intensity and agony of giving birth is still in this mum’s face mixed with unspeakable joy

Her hand stroking her newborn’s cheek, the proud dad bending over them both…. the sheer tenderness of this moment is unbelievable

A mum’s adoring kiss is all the welcom to the world that this newborn needs

With his arms wide and lunging forward, it looks like this little one just wants his mum’s embrace!

Motherhood the world’s greatest rollercoaster of tears and ecstasy

This mum can’t hold back her sobs at this incredible moment

Born in the comfort of home, this newborn and his family are already wrapped in a glow of peace

Pressing a kiss to her beautiful bub’s head, this mum is too overcome for words

All smiles from this bub’s welcoming committee. we’re delighted to meet you, little one