Why do parents need to practice life skills for their children?

Have you ever heard of life skills for children? When starting to take on the responsibility of being a parent, surely with their boundless...

Instruct mothers on how to play peek-a-boo

Instruct mothers on how to play peek-a-boo It is true that mothers are so familiar with the game of "peek-a-boo" with their children, right? However,...

The unexpected benefits of letting your baby learn to dance

Teaching children to dance is not just "dancing for fun" but this is a subject that helps children practice to develop physically and mentally....

Ideas for making simple and beautiful mother’s cards.

Teaching children to make cards for their mothers on special holidays such as Mother's Day , etc. will be a surprise and unforgettable gift...

Benefits of sports for children

Children today often prefer playing video games to being active outdoors. This is not good at all. Being inactive will make the muscles and...

Ideal Bedtime for Children of Different Ages

The ideal bedtime for children is always something that parents care about at each stage of development. Sleep plays an important role in the...

How to play with children with a blanket

 During the time of the pandemic, children were absent from school, and parents worked from home, which led to many changes in the family's...

How should parents choose a car to a 2-year-old child?

In many types of toys, cars are the favorite toys of many 2-year-olds. Therefore, what types of cars for 2-year-olds are popular today? How...

Guide a few ways to teach 1-year-old children for your reference.

As early as 1-year-old, children begin to perceive the world around them well. Therefore, at this stage you can already apply appropriate parenting methods...

How to teach children to say thank you when receiving gifts

All eyes of people are on the child when he focuses on the birthday presents. Your child may open a present, wince, and complain,...

5 ways to teach children to draw simple people

For a long time, art in general and painting in particular has been known as one of the activities that help develop creativity and...

20 English Children’s Songs with The Bet Subtitles

20 English Children's Songs with The Bet Subtitles Learning English through children's songs is one of the simple ways to help children approach a new...

10 fun ways to teach kids the value of money

The first benefit when children understand the value of money is that they will have the habit of saving money as well as smart...

How to teach children to recognize simple vehicles at home?

Teaching children cars is one of the interesting lessons that parents can teach their children from the first years of life. Learning about vehicles...

Methods of teaching children to recognize fruits

How children learn to recognize fruits effectively is something that many parents care about, because the alphabet, fruits, animals ... which many children's channels...

How to effectively teach children animals?

Mother often teaches children animals with videos from YouTube. However, today, mothers have more ways to teach their babies animals. The world outside is...

9 Ways to teach children to learn colors

Children's early recognition of colors will help their minds to observe more delicately and creatively. Teaching children to learn colors should not wait until...

3 ideas for fun at home during the pandemic

How to meet the children's play needs during the COVID-19 pandemic is a concern of many parents? In understanding this issue, we give you...

Effective methods of teaching children to learn numbers that parents can...

Outside of class time, parents regularly tutoring and teaching children to learn extra numbers at home is also an effective way of training. Teaching...

Tips for helping your children to learn the alphabet effectively

Tips for helping your children to learn the alphabet effectively Teaching children to learn the alphabet will help them be smart and have a basic...